
Safe Business Management

Safety-conscious business operations require a systematic, ongoing effort to identify and fix workplace hazards prior to workers getting injured. It’s also known as a Safety and Health Management System (SHMS). A SHMS requires leadership support and participation of workers (including the presence of unions within your company) Hazard assessment, prevention and control, opportunities for education and an ongoing training program, as well as regular program evaluation.

The traditional approach blames the cause of accidents on the workers. Herbert W. Heinrich’s 1930s theory that 85-95 percent of accidents stem from unsafe behavior of individuals drove an array of behavior based safety (BBS) approaches. In recent times, advocates of quality have taken an approach that is more proactive to safety by acknowledging that accidents result from processes and systems. They employ quality tools to minimize their risk.

Managers must convey the message that being a safe business is an essential aspect of their job. This can be accomplished through direct comments or reviews of performance and even bonuses. LyondellBasell for instance, makes it clear to its employees that, no matter how low their OSHA recordable injuries are, if there is a serious accident on site the manager will not be rewarded with an incentive.

SAFe is scalable and configurable. This allows every organization to customize the Framework for their own development environment. SAFe includes a spanning palette which includes additional roles and artifacts, not found in the Essential SAFe. Click on each icon to discover what it is and how to antivirusvinfo.net/business-transformation-move-to-a-virtual-board-meeting/ use it in your context.



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